// Copyright 2011 The Go Authors. All rights reserved. // Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style // license that can be found in the LICENSE file. // Bridge package to expose http internals to tests in the http_test // package. package http import ( "context" "fmt" "net" "net/url" "sort" "sync" "testing" "time" ) var ( DefaultUserAgent = defaultUserAgent NewLoggingConn = newLoggingConn ExportAppendTime = appendTime ExportRefererForURL = refererForURL ExportServerNewConn = (*Server).newConn ExportCloseWriteAndWait = (*conn).closeWriteAndWait ExportErrRequestCanceled = errRequestCanceled ExportErrRequestCanceledConn = errRequestCanceledConn ExportErrServerClosedIdle = errServerClosedIdle ExportServeFile = serveFile ExportScanETag = scanETag ExportHttp2ConfigureServer = http2ConfigureServer Export_shouldCopyHeaderOnRedirect = shouldCopyHeaderOnRedirect Export_writeStatusLine = writeStatusLine ) const MaxWriteWaitBeforeConnReuse = maxWriteWaitBeforeConnReuse func init() { // We only want to pay for this cost during testing. // When not under test, these values are always nil // and never assigned to. testHookMu = new(sync.Mutex) testHookClientDoResult = func(res *Response, err error) { if err != nil { if _, ok := err.(*url.Error); !ok { panic(fmt.Sprintf("unexpected Client.Do error of type %T; want *url.Error", err)) } } else { if res == nil { panic("Client.Do returned nil, nil") } if res.Body == nil { panic("Client.Do returned nil res.Body and no error") } } } } var ( SetEnterRoundTripHook = hookSetter(&testHookEnterRoundTrip) SetRoundTripRetried = hookSetter(&testHookRoundTripRetried) ) func SetReadLoopBeforeNextReadHook(f func()) { testHookMu.Lock() defer testHookMu.Unlock() unnilTestHook(&f) testHookReadLoopBeforeNextRead = f } // SetPendingDialHooks sets the hooks that run before and after handling // pending dials. func SetPendingDialHooks(before, after func()) { unnilTestHook(&before) unnilTestHook(&after) testHookPrePendingDial, testHookPostPendingDial = before, after } func SetTestHookServerServe(fn func(*Server, net.Listener)) { testHookServerServe = fn } func NewTestTimeoutHandler(handler Handler, ch <-chan time.Time) Handler { ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(context.Background()) go func() { <-ch cancel() }() return &timeoutHandler{ handler: handler, testContext: ctx, // (no body) } } func ResetCachedEnvironment() { resetProxyConfig() } func (t *Transport) NumPendingRequestsForTesting() int { t.reqMu.Lock() defer t.reqMu.Unlock() return len(t.reqCanceler) } func (t *Transport) IdleConnKeysForTesting() (keys []string) { keys = make([]string, 0) t.idleMu.Lock() defer t.idleMu.Unlock() for key := range t.idleConn { keys = append(keys, key.String()) } sort.Strings(keys) return } func (t *Transport) IdleConnKeyCountForTesting() int { t.idleMu.Lock() defer t.idleMu.Unlock() return len(t.idleConn) } func (t *Transport) IdleConnStrsForTesting() []string { var ret []string t.idleMu.Lock() defer t.idleMu.Unlock() for _, conns := range t.idleConn { for _, pc := range conns { ret = append(ret, pc.conn.LocalAddr().String()+"/"+pc.conn.RemoteAddr().String()) } } sort.Strings(ret) return ret } func (t *Transport) IdleConnStrsForTesting_h2() []string { var ret []string noDialPool := t.h2transport.(*http2Transport).ConnPool.(http2noDialClientConnPool) pool := noDialPool.http2clientConnPool pool.mu.Lock() defer pool.mu.Unlock() for k, cc := range pool.conns { for range cc { ret = append(ret, k) } } sort.Strings(ret) return ret } func (t *Transport) IdleConnCountForTesting(scheme, addr string) int { t.idleMu.Lock() defer t.idleMu.Unlock() key := connectMethodKey{"", scheme, addr, false} cacheKey := key.String() for k, conns := range t.idleConn { if k.String() == cacheKey { return len(conns) } } return 0 } func (t *Transport) IdleConnChMapSizeForTesting() int { t.idleMu.Lock() defer t.idleMu.Unlock() return len(t.idleConnCh) } func (t *Transport) IsIdleForTesting() bool { t.idleMu.Lock() defer t.idleMu.Unlock() return t.wantIdle } func (t *Transport) RequestIdleConnChForTesting() { t.getIdleConnCh(connectMethod{nil, "http", "example.com", false}) } func (t *Transport) PutIdleTestConn(scheme, addr string) bool { c, _ := net.Pipe() key := connectMethodKey{"", scheme, addr, false} select { case <-t.incHostConnCount(key): default: return false } return t.tryPutIdleConn(&persistConn{ t: t, conn: c, // dummy closech: make(chan struct{}), // so it can be closed cacheKey: key, }) == nil } // All test hooks must be non-nil so they can be called directly, // but the tests use nil to mean hook disabled. func unnilTestHook(f *func()) { if *f == nil { *f = nop } } func hookSetter(dst *func()) func(func()) { return func(fn func()) { unnilTestHook(&fn) *dst = fn } } func ExportHttp2ConfigureTransport(t *Transport) error { t2, err := http2configureTransport(t) if err != nil { return err } t.h2transport = t2 return nil } func (s *Server) ExportAllConnsIdle() bool { s.mu.Lock() defer s.mu.Unlock() for c := range s.activeConn { st, unixSec := c.getState() if unixSec == 0 || st != StateIdle { return false } } return true } func (r *Request) WithT(t *testing.T) *Request { return r.WithContext(context.WithValue(r.Context(), tLogKey{}, t.Logf)) } func ExportSetH2GoawayTimeout(d time.Duration) (restore func()) { old := http2goAwayTimeout http2goAwayTimeout = d return func() { http2goAwayTimeout = old } } func (r *Request) ExportIsReplayable() bool { return r.isReplayable() }